Archive | August, 2015

Girls in the Hood

18 Aug

Yesterday we went to see the movie “Straight Outta Compton.” It was really poignant and conjured up a lot of memories for me. I was coming of age when NWA burst upon the scene. I was pleasantly surprised to see that Eazy E was so witty and funny.  Jason Mitchell did a great job conveying this side of his personality. Ice Cube’s son’s portrayal as his dad was stellar. And the soundtrack was banging. I couldn’t help but sing along as I knew most of the lyrics, lol.

 The weather was nice but on the cool side.
 Thus I threw something together that would help keep me warm despite the polar air that they blast in the theatre.
 This skirt is six years old and SO mini that the duster was perfect.
 Tank: Target

Skirt: Bebe’s

Duster: Nasty Gal

Shoes and Accessories: Macy’s